Youth | West Coast Baptist College


Students choosing the Youth proficiency may use it with any major. Students will study the philosophy of youth ministries, youth outreach, youth/parent counseling, and preparing for youth camps and retreats with the goal of being capable to work with and counsel teens in the ministry.

Course ID Credit Hours Course
BC 222 3

Preventative Youth Counseling

This course addresses topics pertaining to preventative counsel for teenagers and their parents and explores the most effective ways to prepare teens for the more common challenges and transitions of life. The knowledge and skills presented are most relevant for the Christian young adult but are applicable to any teen. Some of the core topics covered in this course include having a biblical perspective in life, making wise decisions, understanding God’s will, and engaging in mature relationships. Prerequisite: None

EV 310 2

Youth Evangelism

This course will look at youth work, how to effectively reach teenagers for Christ, and how to disciple them. Philosophy of youth work including preaching, activities, and training will be studied. Men Only. Prerequisite: EN 102

YM 101 3

Philosophy of Youth Ministry

This course introduces the basic philosophy, principles, and objectives in developing a Bible-based local church youth ministry. This course will review various options for ministering to youth, including camps, Sunday school, retreats, and youth evangelism. Prerequisite: None

YM 102 2

The Youth Hour

This course is a continuation of YM 101 and will deal with some of the more intricate areas of youth work. The ministry of the youth pastor and the youth pastor's wife will be studied. A balanced approach to youth work will be taught emphasizing preaching, activities, and Christian service. These ministries will be related to Christian school, public school, and home-schooled teenagers.

YM 113 2

Event Evangelism

This course is designed to show students how to complement their door-to-door soulwinning efforts with special events for evangelism. Students will learn how to organize a vacation Bible school, a bus ministry, a youth camp, and special “big day” events at a local church. Prerequisite: None

YM 210 2

Relationships in Ministry

This course will instruct the student in practical and biblical ways to “Live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) Steps will be given to equip saints to fulfill the Lord’s joy “That ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind...” (Philippians 2:2) in ministry. Furthermore, the student will be able to understand in a relational way what it means to have the mind of Christ. In the trenches of ministry, interpersonal relationships with fellow laborers are imperative. This class will give principles of communication, correction, and compassion that will make a difference in their calling. If teamwork makes the dream work, this class is the “how to” on teamwork. Prerequisite: None

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